
Slaida Skaista Smuidra Salda Sula Saime Stars

In a very small land full of forest and people that shy away from loud interactions and seek for meaningful connections, the language – harsh and direct, but flowing- by less than million is spoken.

Vibes from those words, positive and delicate, still being random, they resembled me the gaze of today’s sunshine on my face.

Can we read languages and sense the feelings from words written in letters used by everyone and fully understood by no one? Too perfect, too clear and concise, letters appearing on screen has no human interaction, no misleading handwriting, no imperfections and impressions.

Open a journal and just scribble, just doodle. No language, no meaning, but you understand, you can sense the person, the mood, the view of the world. You can feel it through every stroke and lift.

Here, nothing.
